Some Ministries will continue to conduct meetings on Zoom.  Contact the church office for the Zoom link.  



The Mission of our church community is to spread God's word and serve our community and the world as God would want us to.

We provide services through:

Building & Grounds Ministry

B&G cares for the physical campus here at Broadmoor.  They are people skilled at fixing things themselves or who will help seek out provessional help as needed.

Faith Formation

We have combined our Christian Education and Fellowship Ministry Teams into one for 2021.  The Faith Formation team is responsible for the spiritual development of people of all ages through meditation and prayer groups, as well as, comunity events and fellowship nights for the entire family.  Team members are good planners, creative an like to help with social events.

Finance Ministry

Finance seeks folks who have an interest in working with the finances of the church.  This team is responsible to Session and provides session with monthly reports on our financial status.  The Finance Ministry team prepares the annual budget and presents it to the congregation; and prepares the deposit of the weekly offering. 

Personnel Ministry

The team works with Session and Finance and coordinates personnel issues including interviewing, hiring new staff, and conducting annual reviews.  

Mission Ministry

Mission helps with Broadmoor's ministry outside the church.  The identify local mission partners and disburse funds received from the congregation.  This team educates and involves the congregation in the mission of the church.


Worship Ministry

Worship works with the pastor and music staff to prepare and create imaginative and exciting worship services.  

Other Groups of the Church

Meditation Group meets at 10:00 am every Wednesday. All are welcome.

Music Ministry & Choir.  All are welcome.  We are rehearsing on Zoom, 7:00 pm Wednesday.

Presbyterian Women 

Bible study group Abigail Circle and Zipporah Circles meet at 10:30 am in the Calvin Room.

Abigail hosts on Tuesday's and Zipporah Circles hosts on Saturday's on alternating months.

Stewardship Committee meets as needed and is charged with coordinating the annual stewardship campaign.  Stewardship is a responsibility of the Session.

Men's Breakfast meets at 8:00 am at Sharp Park Golf Course in Pacifica on the first Saturday of every month.



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